VPS System: An innovative, sub-ischial prosthesis socket

Of benefit to many

With conventional socket systems, users frequently experience unequal load distribution as well as skin irritation and pressure areas in the region of the osseous contact points. Additional disadvantages are the proximity to the hygiene area as well as restricted freedom of movement. These socket forms also have a negative effect on sitting comfort as well as on activities such as cycling.

To compensate for these disadvantages, Vogel Orthopädie Technik has developed the VPS System (VPS = Vacuum Pressure Socket). This is a prosthetic socket that functions without structural elements such as side or base support or all-round holding of the ischial bone branch, and without muscular blocking. The VPS System is patented.

Thanks to the simple preconditions (vacuum adhesive socket system as full-contact socket as from low end stress resistance capacity, mobility categories 1-4, as from medium-length stump), many wearers of upper leg prostheses can benefit from the VPS System.

Claim for additional expense

The VPS System is classified in the list of auxiliary equipment under item The additional expense associated with the care has already been taken into account in various contracts with the cost carriers. With contracts that do not yet feature a settlement item number, we recommend claiming for the additional expense in accordance with the BIV (Federal Association of Guilds) calculation manual.

Would you like to acquire a license to manufacture VPS Systems? If so, please attend one of our seminars in order to obtain certification. At these seminars you will be taught the special casting techniques as well as adaptation to patients in static and dynamic fittings.

The certificate is personal and non-transferable. Certified partners are listed on our website.

Customers receive optimum care

Interested? We will gladly provide you personally with all details concerning the licensing process as well as the requirements for successful certification.

Send us an email to info(at)ot-vogel.de. We will contact you without delay.